Post-Op Total Hip Replacement Instructions


*All medications will be electronically sent to your pharmacy on file the day of surgery*

You will be discharged with prescriptions for pain medication, blood clot prevention and several other medications to help you through this recovery.  Patients under the care of a pain management program, that physician will be responsible for post-op pain management.   Please note, we are not in the office every day, so we will need at least a 48-hour turnaround time for refills that can be electronically submitted to the pharmacy.  For non-urgent post op questions and all questions during normal business hours please call my medical assistant at (602) 456-1835. If we are unable to answer, leave a voicemail or send a text message and we will get back to you. Voicemails are not checked on Saturday or Sunday.  Please do not call for refills over the weekend, if possible.  For urgent post operative concerns after business hours, you can reach the providers via their direct lines: Dr. Moore: 602-456-1531  Carla, PA-C: 602-456-2891. If the providers do not answer on their direct lines, please leave a voicemail or send a text message, they will get back to you.

Post-Operative Medications you will be required to take:

  1. Baby Aspirin 81 mg (Blood Thinner)
    • one pill twice a daily for 6 weeks
    • If you are already on a blood thinner, Lovenox, Coumadin, Plavix, Xarelto, Eliquis, etc-then you will NOT take baby Aspirin.
  2. Meloxicam 7.5 mg (Anti-inflammatory)
    • One pill in the morning with food and water for 4-6 weeks for swelling
    • If you have an allergy to NSAIDs or stomach or kidney problems, have stents, or are on another blood thinner besides baby Aspirin, then you will NOT take meloxicam
  3. Tylenol 650 mg "Tylenol Arthritis" (Pain medication)
    • Two pills every 8 hours until you no longer have pain. Do not exceed this amount.
    • Don’t miss this. Every 8 hours. THIS is your main pain medication.
  4. An antibiotic will also be prescribed. Take as directed until completed.

Post-Operative medications you will take as needed:

  1. Oxycodone 5 mg -or- Tramadol 50 mg (Narcotic pain pill)
    • One pill every 4-6 hours as needed for breakthrough pain. This means that if your Tylenol isn’t providing 8 hours of relief, then you can take a 5 mg oxycodone pill in between your Tylenol pills. Get off the Oxy as soon as you can make it 8 hours with just Tylenol.
    • Your initial Rx will only be a 7-day supply of pills, please use them wisely. Ice and elevation will be your friend. These pills cause constipation and other side effects. If more pain pills are needed, we can provide, but we do not provide pain medication after 6 weeks following surgery.
    • Many patients only take the Narcotic pain medication before or after therapy and at night to help them sleep for the first few days.
  2. Cyclobenzaprine 5 mg (muscle relaxer)
    • Only take as needed for muscle spasms. Some will take at night to help them sleep. The side effect is that it causes drowsiness. Do not plan on leaving the house if you take one.
    • You may be prescribed a different muscle relaxer depending on your insurance authorization: like Baclofen, Methocarbamol, Tizanidine.
  3. Colace 100mg Twice Daily as needed for constipation. You may also add an over-the-counter laxative or stool softener as needed until your bowel functions return to normal.  Most pain meds will cause constipation, so a diet high in fiber and a stool softener will be helpful.

All other prescription home medications can be resumed.  Be cautious when resuming multivitamins, fish oil, turmeric, and other naturopathic medications as they may be natural blood thinners. Upon discharge, we may or may not recommend or prescribe new medications. Please follow the dosage directions on your prescription. Do not take more than prescribed.

**We will no longer fill your Narcotic Pain Medication After 6 Weeks Post Surgery** If you still require pain medication, you will need to notify your family physician, or we can refer you to a pain management physician.


Your first follow up appointment after a total hip will be 7-14 days after your surgery.

Your 1st post-op appointment should already be set up by our surgery scheduler. If uncertain, please call my office at (602) 456-1835 for confirmation or to set up the appointment. 


Please adhere to all guidelines until seen for your follow up visit. This includes any activity or weight bearing restrictions and any precautions that may have been given to you.


For the first 2 weeks after total hip replacement, ice and compression will help to alleviate inflammation. You can ice directly over your white ted hose stocking 30 minutes at a time with 10-minute breaks in between as tolerated.   You may walk around the house, but as soon as you get things done ice as much as you can.  Keep the ankle above the knee on 2-3 pillows and knee above the hip, with your leg above heart/chest level.

Bruising up and down the leg is normal and NOT a concern. The skin may turn black and blue.

Try to minimize any excessive activity; take it easy and only get out of the house for a brief walk or appointments.


Please call our office if you are concerned about the appearance of your incision, or if you develop substantial drainage. The bandages are made to absorb blood. If blood leaks out from under the bandage and gets on your clothes, then you will probably need a dressing change. Reinforce the dressing until you can get an appointment to come into the office. Call the office number if you cannot get a hold of the office. Do not just go into the ER. Call Dr. Moore and he can instruct you on what to do.

Total hip patients will come out of surgery with a bulky dressing over surgical island dressings. This should be removed 2 days after surgery. You will also be wearing ted hose stockings on both legs which should be used for 6 weeks.

In most cases, a water resistant/waterproof adhesive dressing will be placed at the time of surgery. This dressing does not need to be covered when showering. You can get the dressing wet, however if you notice your dressing peeling off or water getting beneath the seal, please call and let us know. After showering, put your white ted hose back on.

  • All dressings will be removed 2 weeks after surgery at your first follow-up visit. Two weeks following surgery the dressing will be removed by our Medical Assistant at your first follow up visit.  You will have skin glue or staples across the incision. This glue will fall off on its own, if you have staples, they will be removed by our Medical Assistant at this time as well. For the next week after removing surgical dressings, cover the incision with a simple dressing such as "Island Dressings" or large "Band-aids" from your pharmacy. 
  • The dressings are designed to absorb some drainage and blood, and it is normal to have a small amount of spotting, however if the bandage soaks beyond its borders or you are concerned about the amount of drainage, please send us a picture or make an appointment to be seen sooner than your scheduled post-operative follow-up appointment. DO NOT USE alcohol, peroxide, or ointments of any kind on your incision until cleared to do so.
  • At one week following surgery, after dressings have been removed, you can shower and allow your incision to get wet. Let the water run over your incision, gently pat the area dry and replace an island dressing.
  • Ted hose stockings will be required to be worn on both legs for 6 weeks after surgery. They can be worn during the day and taken off at night. This is for blood clot prevention and must be worn for the full 6 weeks. After 6 weeks your blood clot risk returns to normal and that is when the stockings will no longer be needed.


Swelling around the incision, as well as in your feet and legs, IS NORMAL.  The swelling can get out of control. If it does it typically leads to more pain. To help with this, elevate your feet on the arm of the couch while lying flat or in bed on pillows, as much as possible.  Your leg should be elevated above your heart to really be effective. Wear the compression socks as directed.  Pump your ankles up and down and do circles whenever you are still.  Muscle action helps to move collected fluid out of the tissues and veins and improve circulation.  Ice packs may be used and will also help with pain. Report any persistent swelling, calf tenderness, increase in pain, sudden shortness of breath, or pain in the calf with ankle flexion, warmth, or redness.


Home exercises will provide you with a home therapy program. As you feel stronger, increase the number of repetitions you do in each session.

YOU are responsible to continue the exercises at least 3 times a day. For hip replacements, therapy will be held until you are seen for your post op visit, at which time the providers will decide if PT is necessary. If there are any questions or concerns related to PT referral, please contact the office.

Please check with us before you swim or use a pool/hot tub.


Driving may be resumed once you are no longer taking narcotic medications and feel you can safely operate the vehicle.  You may wish to practice in an empty parking lot at first.


Please avoid extreme positions.  Listen to your body and let pain be your guide.  Avoid any painful movements or positions.  If you plan to resume yoga or something similar, please consult with Dr. Moore first.


Sex may be resumed at your discretion. Please keep in mind the positioning guidelines for hip replacements. Be creative and conservative. For an actual study and diagrams of safe sexual positions after total joint replacement, you may refer to the following orthopedic paper.


Infections left untreated can spread to your joint by way of the bloodstream.  The consequences of this can be quite serious.  Do NOT schedule any dental visit/procedure within 3 months following your surgery.

Please call us or your dentist/doctor before any invasive procedures like (dental work, colonoscopy, etc.) so someone can provide you with antibiotic coverage. This applies forever, not just in the first 2 years. This includes routine fillings, cleanings, caps, extractions, scopes, biopsies etc.

If you have any surgical procedures planned, please advise your surgeon you have a joint replacement and will need coverage with an antibiotic.

See your internist if you develop or suspect any type of active infection such as bladder infection, upper respiratory symptoms, etc., so that antibiotics can be ordered right away.


Report any complications to my office immediately.  This includes excessive bleeding, wound breakdown, severe redness around the incision, uncontrolled pain, or fever over 101.5 degrees.

If you have any questions or concerns:

  • During regular business hours: please call the medical assistant at (602) 456-1835
  • Urgent needs, after hours or on weekends: please call the provider numbers
    • Dr. Moore: 602-456-1531
    • Carla, PA-C: 602-456-2891
    • Tiffiny (Office Manager): 602-456-1245


Moore Advanced Orthopedics, LLC


140 North Litchfield Road, Suite 110,
Goodyear, AZ 85338

Contact Us

Moore Advanced Orthopedics, LLC


140 North Litchfield Road, Suite 110,
Goodyear, AZ 85338

Office Hours


8:00 am - 4:00 pm


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8:00 am - 4:00 pm


8:00 am - 4:00 pm


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